Why Do We Get Stuck?

Spinning Our Wheels Why do we get stuck in miserable patterns? Why do we make the same mistakes, or fall into the same emotional funk time and time again? Why do we wind up in the same types of relationships over and over? Ask any therapist and you’re likely to …

Learn to be Mindful

What is Mindfulness Anyway? The conversation about mindfulness has exploded in the past few years. Still it seems to be more complicated than it should be to understand what it means to be mindful. Mindfulness sort of  feels like the kind of thing we all know we should be on …

How To Live With Anxiety

Welcome to my new blog and the initial post! I began practicing counseling in order to help people understand themselves, connect to themselves in new ways, and to create meaningful changes for themselves. I hope this blog can become an extension of that goal by providing insights into my thoughts …


What is Depression? Depression is a serious medical condition affecting roughly 10% of the adult population in America. It can cause us to feel tired, unmotivated, withdrawn, sad, or empty. Depression often has a significant impact on our daily lives including relationships, work, and general health. Am I Depressed or …


Maybe I shouldn’t announce this as a counselor but I’m going to do it anyway – OCD might be my favorite presenting problem to work with. This is because I understand OCD and how to treat it. I know that my OCD clients will get better. OCD has a way …


Counseling for Anxiety Ever been been afraid of passing out in a bad situation? Having a panic attack at the worst possible time? Wondered if everyone could tell how nervous your were? Been attacked by the “what if” machine living in your head? Had a intrusive thought and then felt …