
Counseling for Depression

Depression is a stubborn condition and left untreated can wreak havoc on lives. People experiencing depression struggle to keep up in areas often important to them. When depression strikes, you may see that you are negatively affected in

  • Friendships
  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • Career
  • Physical Health
  • Spiritual Health

Depression has a cruel knack for zapping our motivation to pursue things that bring joy, peace, and purpose to our life. As it takes away our energy to pursue life giving action, depression replaces it with self-criticism, guilt, shame, anger, and other negative emotions. 

At this point depression robs you of your normal ability to pursue your values AND it has encouraged you to judge yourself for not doing those things. This is the Depression Cycle and it has to be challenged effectively. 

What is Depression

Like many concerns that bring people to counseling, depression is hard to describe simply. In general, what we mean when we say someone is depressed is that they are experiencing some of the following symptoms for more than two weeks:

  • Loss of interest
  • Feelings of sadness, guilt, or shame
  • Sleep changes
  • Fatigue
  • Hopelessness

The difficult part is understanding the “why” behind these feelings. Research has not found a specific indicator for depression. Instead, its believed that depression is sometimes primarily biological, sometimes environmental, and sometimes both. 

Regardless of how depression begins, it’s important that it be treated quickly and with effective strategies.

How We Will Help You

Not all therapy is equal. The field of therapy is undergoing a progression in which quick, effective therapy strategies are being researched and implemented. From the current best guidelines for the treatment of depression, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered a first line treatment for depression. All clinicians at Summit are trained to provide CBT interventions. 

CBT is a structured therapy strategy. Using CBT, our counselors can help you learn to recognize the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behavior. If you remember from above, depression creates its own Depressive Cycle between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It’s important that you create a skill set to respond to this cycle. 

It Gets Better

Living with depression is hard. It’s hard physically and emotionally. It can feel overwhelming and lonely. Nevertheless, in every client who comes to use for counseling, there is also a version of them still seeking joy, peace, vitality, and life. 

We are committed to being on the forefront of modern counseling techniques for depression. While you may feel hopeless, guilty, or tired, we will fight for a version of you who is ready to feel like yourself again. 

When you’re ready to get started with one of our counselors, call us or request an appointment online by clicking below.

Ready to Get Started?

Check out this video to learn more about depression: