How Do You Measure Your Worth?

Post by Emily Key, LPC-MHSP

   How do you measure your worth? In compliments, inches, pounds, dollar signs, degrees, productivity…? It’s human nature to seek concrete ways to feel secure, but if we invest too heavily in them, we set ourselves up for anxiety and miss the opportunity to experience the empowering freedom of standing grounded in our inherent worth  as our bodies, circumstances, and relationships change.

 I really like words of affirmation. Who doesn’t? We all need to hear them occasionally. However, I have to practice being aware of my tendency to rely too much on them. If the way I see and feel about myself depends on other’s words, I’m in line for quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Not to mention, I’m putting a lot of pressure on the people in my life to say the “perfect” things all the time.

   It’s not about being ashamed of and renouncing the things that give us a “boost”. Instead, it’s about learning to not get too attached to them. We can do this by questioning. Why does this thing make me feel good anyway? Am I OK with the answer? If not, can I accept that answer with compassion and without judging myself? Then, can I clarify what is most important to me, commit to finding value in myself, and practice self respect even in the absence of the said thing?

This, of course, takes practice. Over and over we ask questions, have compassion, clarify our values, and move forward until we eventually find that were standing stronger and living more fully from our authentic self.

Let me help you create your authentic self!

About Emily:
Emily is a licensed therapist providing counseling Johnson City, TN. She is experienced helping clients manage trauma, depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and more. Emily strives to create a safe and understanding environment for her clients while also challenging them to discover the best version of themselves. Emily is knowledgeable and well-equipped to help you achieve your goals. She is warm, welcoming, and simply good at what she does. Click the button below to begin moving towards your goals!