Reclaiming Self
Reclaiming Self is a blog exploring the subtle life pressures creating space between what we’re “supposed” to be and who we actually are.

Emily is a mental health counselor in East Tennessee. She helps clients learn to embrace themselves. All of themselves. Their mind, their body, their spirit, and their emotions. She values exploring the ways we are directed to feel and think while acknowledging the tension these pressures create emotionally. Emily has a remarkable ability to shine a light on the inherit value of one’s authenticity. Reclaiming Self is a collection of thoughts and remarks about becoming genuine, showing self-compassion, and validating self-worth not self-perfection.
She created this blog to share her experiences and thoughts as a counselor, parent, friend, and human. She provides in-person and online counseling to anyone in Tennessee. If you are interested in working with, Emily, you can learn more below.
Your Body Is Not The Problem
Your Body Is Not The Problem Imagine telling a 4 year old she is a weak, immoral, failure for enjoying her chocolate birthday cake. Really imagine doing that to her. Does it make you cringe? Want to cry? Want to protect her fiercely from this absurdity? I hope so because
Small T Trauma & What You Can Do About It
Trauma occurs in two types, Large T and Small T. Understanding the difference can help you recognize the potential effects of Small T traumas that often go overlooked or disregarded.

Is the Grass Really Greener?
6:45am I tiptoe past their doors and hope they’ll sleep for at least 30 more minutes. Just one cup of coffee on the porch please??? But that creaky floorboard betrays me. Cue crying, dirty diaper squirming, multiple breakfast demands,sticky peanut butter messes, incessant singing, table climbing, and Momma clinging. I

How Do You Measure Your Worth?
How do you measure your worth? In compliments, inches, pounds, dollar signs, degrees, productivity…? It’s human nature to seek concrete ways to feel secure, but if we invest too heavily in them, we set ourselves up for anxiety and miss the opportunity to experience the empowering freedom of standing grounded

It’s Good to Not Know
Post by Emily Key, LPC-MHSP Being on the brink of something new has always scared me. Excited me too, but mostly scared me. My tendency is to focus on all the negative “what ifs” so much that I lose sight of how delightful the unknown can be. “What if I